Smalltalk methods : Nov 1996Synchronize Table of Contents

Smalltalk methods : Nov 1996
!Integer methods !

    "return the maximum height the hailstone number reaches"
    | current max |
    max :=0.
    current := self.
    [current > 1]
        whileTrue: [ current > max
                ifTrue: [max := current].
            current even
                ifTrue: [current := current // 2]
                ifFalse: [current := current * 3 + 1]].
    ^max! !				

    "return the maximum path length of a hailstone run"
    | current path |
    path :=0.
    current := self.
    [current > 1]
        whileTrue: [ path := path + 1.
            current even
                ifTrue: [current := current // 2]
                ifFalse: [current := current * 3 + 1]].
    ^path! !

    " generate the first million maximum heights
       Integer hailstoneThresholdHeight
 | a p h |
    h := 0.
    3 to: 1000 by: 2 do: [ :n |  a := n hailstoneHeight.
        a > h
            ifTrue: [ h := a.
                Transcript show: n asString; tab; show: h asString; tab;
                    show: n hailstonePathLength asString; cr]]! !

    " generate the first million maximum paths
       Integer hailstoneThresholdPath
 | a p h |
    h := 0.
    3 to: 1000 by: 2 do: [ :n |  a := n hailstonePathLength.
        a > h
            ifTrue: [ h := a.
                Transcript show: n asString; tab; show: h asString; tab;
                    show: n hailstoneHeight asString; tab; show: (h\n) floor asString; cr]]! !

Hardware ProjectsSynchronize Table of Contents

Hardware Projects

This section details current and historical hardware projects.

Analog to Digital ConversionSynchronize Table of Contents

Analog to Digital Conversion Analog to Digital conversion prototype

Breadboard prototype of AD converter using an 808ADC - without Parallel port data transfer.

Hailstone (3n+1) NumbersSynchronize Table of Contents

Hailstone (3n+1) Numbers Analog to Digital conversion prototype Analog to Digital conversion prototype Analog to Digital conversion prototype Analog to Digital conversion prototype Analog to Digital conversion prototype